Select Publications

in review                Mich Shu-Yu Lin and K. Arquilla. “Fluidity as a Measure of Movement Quality”

in preparation     Mich Shu-Yu Lin, L. Landon, and K. Arquilla. “Mood Changes in an Isolation Analog: Validation and Analysis of the Subjective Habitability & Acceptability Questionnaire (SHAQ)”

07                  Shu-Yu Lin, L. Chen, L. Landon, and K. Arquilla. “Acyclic framework for identifying causal relationships in habitat design.” International Astronautical Congress, Milan, Italy, Oct 2024.

06                 Bell, S.T., Dev, S.I., Landon, L.B., Miller, J.C.W., Anderson, S.R., Flynn-Evans, E., Spencer, C.A., Lin, S.Y., & Khader, A. (2024). Human Factors and Behavioral Performance Exploration Measures in HERA Campaign 6: Final Report. Internal report submitted to the Human Factors and Behavioral Performance Element, NASA Human Research Program. Houston, TX: NASA Johnson Space Center.

05                  Shu-Yu Lin. “Wearable Sensor System for Quantifying Proprioceptive Competence in Microgravity” Master’s Thesis. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. June 2023.

04                  Shu-Yu Lin, A. Yang, and K. Arquilla. “Prototyping Wearable Sensor Garment for Understanding Proprioceptive Changes in Microgravity.” International Astronautical Congress. Sep 2022.

03                 Shu-Yu Lin, A. Yang, and K. Arquilla. “Quantifying Proprioceptive Experience in Microgravity.” ACM Computer Human Interaction. May 2022.

02                  N. Banerjee, A. Baughman, S. Lin, Z. Witte, D. Klaus, A. Anderson. “Development of Alternative Reality Environments for Spacecraft Habitat Design Evaluation.” Virtual Reality, 1-10. July 2020.

01                   N. Banerjee, A. Baughman, S. Lin, Z. Witte, D. Klaus, A. Anderson. “Side-by-Side Comparison of Human Perception and Performance in Augmented, Hybrid, and Virtual Reality.” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.  July 2020.