Mich Lin is a researcher and PhD student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA, USA). They are currently exploring architectural designs to support behavioral health in isolated, confined, extreme, and resource-confined environments, with a particular focus on long-duration space exploration. 

Through a multi-disciplinary approach blending bioastronautical engineering, data science, architecture, human-centered design, and psychology, Mich’s portfolio explores the relationships between the human and the environment at various scales. 

Raised in the coastal harbor of Keelung, Taiwan, they have a special affinity to the ocean and enjoy SCUBA and freediving, as well as swimming and surfing. 

B.S. in Applied Mathematics
B.S. in Aerospace Engineering Sciences from the University of Colorado Boulder

M.S. in Aeronautics & Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

shuyulin [at] mit [dot] edu




(2024) Richard Dupont Memeorial Fellowship
(2024) MIT Arts Scholar
(2022) NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity
(2022) AIAA Neil Armstrong Award
(2021) National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
(2021) CU Boulder College of Engineering Graduate Award in Research
(2021) CU Boulder College of Engineering Graduate Award in Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
(2020) Matthew Isakowitz Fellow
(2020) Aviation Week / AIAA 20 Twenties
(2019) Brooke Owens Fellow
(2019) Women in Aerospace Foundation Scholar